Our History

Sometime in 1900, a young Murphy housewife became convinced of the need for a Baptist church in Murphy.  In a meeting in her living room, Mrs. Mae Cockrell and some friends, along with G. W. McCall, pastor of FBC, Plano, and Bob Coleman, publisher of the Plano Star Courier, organized a Baptist church.
On September 4, 1900, the church entered the Collin Baptist Association with a total membership of 34.
On August 29, 1900, ½ acre on FM 544, our previous location, was deeded to the Baptist church in Murphy by Louisa Brown for a building site.
The building erected on the site consisted of one large rectangular shaped room.  The sanctuary of this building is the original large room built in 1900.  During the period from 1920-1930, the church enjoyed its largest membership.   The membership numbering 296 in 1921 was the largest ever recorded at the church.  The need for more space was evident, so in about 1924, the present wings were added to the main sanctuary to relieve the crowded conditions.  Bert George, a Murphy carpenter, did the construction work at a total cost of $5,000.
For many years, the church was a half-time church with services usually held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, alternating with the Methodist church, whose services were on the 2nd and 4th Sundays.  In 1948, the church became a full-time church.
Early in 1956, under Pastor Tom Ritzinger, the congregation began to realize the need for a modern plant with adequate educational space.  Later that year, the church adopted plans for constructing and financing an education addition.  Edgar Boyd, a former member, was hired as contractor.  Completed and ready for occupancy in September, 1958, the new additional provided a baptistery, kitchen, restrooms, a pastor’s study and additional Sunday School rooms.
This building has served as a training ground for many throughout its history.  From its membership, at least 6 young men have become faithful ministers of the Gospel and one young lady served as a foreign missionary for many years.
On May 14, 1979, the building, long known as Murphy Baptist Church, became First Baptist Church of Murphy.  This change came about when a majority of members of Murphy Baptist Church voted to build a new church on South Murphy Road.  Not desiring to move to the new church, a group of 37 members, along with Rev. Milton Greer, reorganized as First Baptist Church of Murphy.  These members met each Sunday at the Community Center in Murphy until the building was vacated.  On Sunday, October 7, 1979, they returned to the building and called John Max Cox as pastor.
Although many attempts were made over the years, the church was unsuccessful in buying surrounding land for expansion.  Through a series of events that could only have been orchestrated by God, the church was able to obtain clear title to its property and sell it for almost the exact amount needed to purchase our new property at Murphy Road and McMillen.  We were blessed to be able to move our building, and through the supervision of General Contractor Don Hampton, our new facility is fully updated and better than ever!  Our new home provides a beautiful setting for outdoor activities and plenty of room to grow. Click the link below to watch a video of the move of the church building.
This descriptive sign long stood in front of the building at our FM 544 location:
Erected in 1900, this building has a rich and colorful heritage.  From this church, ministers and missionaries have proclaimed the Gospel throughout the world.  This church continues as a witness for Christ in a changing age.
FBC Murphy has had many faithful pastors over the years. Our current pastor, Ben Phillips, began serving in April 2018. We have seen several new individuals, couples, and young families join since then and there is still room for you.  There have been many discipleship opportunities for parents, married couples, men, women, and students. God continues to guide and grow FBC Murphy to be a gospel-centered family of many cultures and generations that fulfills our mission to Magnify Christ, Multiply Disciples, and Mobilize Missionaries.
We would love for you and your family to get connected to FBC Murphy today so that you can cultivate new relationships and grow as a disciple of Jesus into the future that makes a kingdom impact on your history and ours.
  • The church was built without a steeple . . . we did not have one until the 1980’s.
  • There were no indoor bathrooms until 1958.
  • The church has had 34 pastors, 5 since it became FBC Murphy.
  • The congregation received an historical marker on January 17, 1982.  Since the marker is not for the church building, we were able to move it to our new location.
  • Bonnie Eldridge, a former member, had almost 43 years of perfect attendance in Sunday School until her death.
  • Winnie Greer was recognized as the oldest member in 1988 . . . she had been a member 78 years.
  • Madge Daniel was church musician for over 60 years.
  • Our new mission statement, “FBC Murphy is a gospel-centered family of many cultures and generations that exists to Magnify Christ, Multiply Disciples, and Mobilize Missionaries,” was affirmed in December 2018.
  • We have people involved in our church from ages 1 to 93.
  • We have members and guests involved regularly that represent at least 10 different countries.

Stained Glass

Our beautiful stained glass windows were added to the building beginning in the early 1980’s.  They are dedicated in memory of those listed to the right.   


R. L. and Lillie Massey
Long-time members
R. L. Massey led singing for several years
Roy & Sylvia Curtis
Deacon of Murphy Baptist Church and FBC Murphy
Long-time member of Murphy Baptist Church Sunday School Superintendent & Deacon Father of Jimmy Frank Daniel & Celia Daniel Teague
Mother of former FBC Murphy pastor John Max Cox

Bill and Othel Duncan
Long-time members

Joe A. Hofer
Father of member Sarah Waldner

Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Daniel, Sr.
Founding members of Murphy Baptist Church. W. O. served as Treasurer and Jimmie taught adult women.

Mr. and Mrs. J. K. P. Barnes
Parents of member W .E. (Pete) Barnes

John M. Cox
Father of former FBC Murphy pastor John Max Cox

Robert Lee Daniel, Jr.
Deacon of Murphy Baptist Church and son of Robert & Norma Daniel

Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Nelson
Parents of Faye, Clay, Tom & Anita Nelson

Mrs. Louisa E. Brown
Donor of half acre original church site on FM 544

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wright
Jake Wright served as Sunday School Superintendent of Murphy Baptist Church from 1900-1935

Celia Daniel Teague and Donna Teague
Daughter and granddaughter of W. O. Daniel, Jr. and Flora Daniel

John and Louvenia Knight
Parents of Syd Stevens & Luther Knight

Max Daniel
Served as Treasurer for many years
Deacon of Murphy Baptist Church and FBC Murphy
Founding member of FBC Murphy and husband of Inez Sarver Daniel

Steele and Maggie Boyd & Family
Maggie Boyd taught young couples for many years. Parents of Allethia, Della, Edyth, who became a missionary to China, Edgar, who contracted the baptistery & education space in the 1950’s and James Boyd.

Charles and Mae Cockrell
Mae Cockrell hosted the organizational meeting of Murphy Baptist Church on August 19, 1900. Parents of Weldon, Cleta Mae & Charles Lynn, who was ordained at Murphy Baptist Church and long-time pastor of FBC Garland.

Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Travis
C. C. Travis was a Deacon of Murphy Baptist Church. Sue Travis taught adult women. Parents of Merle, Lillian & Anna Travis.

Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Turner
N. C. Turner was a Deacon of Murphy Baptist Church.

Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Curtis & Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spinks
Parents of members Roy & Sylvia Curtis

Marguerite Sarver Turner
Sister of member Inez Daniel

Alva Harvey Spruill
Daughter of John & Elvira Harvey, sister of Ed, Raymond, Nelson, Chester, Ruth, Tressie, Ethel, Nannie, Lee & Mamie Harvey

Ernest and Lillian Bell King
Parents of Nona, Gladys, Raymond, Charlie, John & Margaret. Daughter Nona was wife of Rev. Milton Greer

Ella Hamlin Page
Sister of member Jimmie Daniel, mother of Joe, Doyle & Willie Mae Hamlin

Andy and Edna Blackwell
Long-time members of Murphy Baptist Church and FBC Murphy

John Henry and Janice Daniel Bailey
Janice was daughter of W. O. Daniel and Jimmie Daniel, sister of Madge,Max, W.O, Jr. & Robert Daniel

Larry Don Barnes
Son of W. E. (Pete) Barnes & Mary Barnes

Dylan T. Henderson
Son of Darrell &  Jacqueline Henderson

This beautiful window, given in memory of Charlie and Winnie Greer and located over our baptistery, was destroyed during reconstruction.